How to Manage a Hangover

There is no magic hangover cure, just ways to ease the pain

Illustration of man looking into mirror, with suggested hangover cures illustrated

The Spruce / Hugo Lin

The party last night was great, but this morning you're feeling it and paying the price. Your hangover is in full swing and all you want is a little relief. While there are things you can do to relieve the pain and get back on your feet, the best hangover cures are time and rest.

There were steps you could have taken last night to try and prevent this morning's pain, but it's too late for that. For now, the goal is to lessen the negative effects of alcohol. The nausea, weakness, and headache you're feeling will only go away if you try to counteract them in the most practical and healthiest ways. That includes rest to let your system recover, water to rehydrate your body, and some way to replenish the essential vitamins you lost.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all hangover remedy because everyone's body is different. You will have to find what works best for you and it will likely be a combination of things.

No Magical Hangover Cure

First of all, it's important to remember that there is no magic solution to your problem. Many of those "hangover cures" you can pick up at the convenience store are practically worthless, so you might want to save your money. Some other hangover supplements may help you find relief, but it's important to do your research to ensure they're safe for you to use.

Let's take a look at a few tried and true hangover cures that you can try. There are no gimmicks here, and you likely have everything you need.

1. Get Some Sleep

Rest is your best friend at this point because your body needs an opportunity to recover. Simply stay in bed as long as you can. Even an extra hour or two of sleep will help out tremendously.

If your hangover is really bad you might need to cancel whatever obligation you have this morning. Of course, that is not a recommendation to be irresponsible, but that's something you should have thought about last night! Whoever you need to call, you will likely sound so bad on the phone that they may just believe your excuse. (That's assuming they didn't see you at the bar last night—then this is a very bad idea.)

 2. Drink Water

Water is the first thing you should be drinking this morning. The alcohol you drank last night dehydrated your body and the best way to feel better is to rehydrate it. Have a glass right when you wake up and continue pouring yourself a fresh one over the next few hours. Just be sure not to overdo it because too much water can make you feel worse. Go slow, but keep the water flowing.

Water is a better choice than fruit or vegetable juices; there is no scientific evidence that juice helps with a hangover.


For a quick pick-me-up, add a little lemon juice to a cup of warm water. Add ginger if you have it to help with nausea. This is one of the easiest and most effective restorative drinks you can make. 

Yet another option is a rehydration beverage, including sports drinks such as Gatorade as well as products like Pedialyte. The potassium, sodium, and electrolytes included in many of these drinks are designed to speed up fluid absorption and that may help when you're hungover. There's no evidence that these actually work better than water or juice, though. If you have some in the refrigerator, it can be an alternative to juice, but don't rely on it.

3. Avoid Excessive Caffeine

Drinking a cup of coffee, if that's something you do every day, is not necessarily dehydrating. It's not a good idea to drink more coffee than you normally would, however.

Herbal tisanes are a good way to rehydrate, although there is no evidence that so-called detoxifying herbs will help with a hangover.

4. Get Some Vitamins

Your body could really use some vitamins right now. The easiest way is to drink orange juice for a healthy dose of vitamin C. One small study found evidence that zinc and B vitamins may reduce the severity of hangovers as well. If you have a multivitamin in the house, this is probably a good time to take that.

5. Eat Something

Food may seem like the last thing you want, but it can help. It doesn't have to be much or anything that will make you sick. Try to eat mineral- and protein-rich food, even if you don't feel like it.

Begin with something bland, like a piece of bread or a few crackers or pretzels. The carbs will help regulate your blood sugar, easing the shakes and dizziness. If that stays down, try something with a little more substance like a piece of fruit (bananas are excellent) or a smoothie. In Poland, drinking pickle juice is a popular remedy.

6. Avoid Pain Killers If Possible

Your head is pounding and it's tempting to reach for a pain reliever. This is not the best idea when you're dealing with a hangover. Over-the-counter (OTC) products like aspirin, Tylenol, and ibuprofen have side effects that are magnified while alcohol is in your system.

This is probably contrary to everything you want to do right now, but for your long-term health, it is good advice. Just like alcohol, aspirin is a blood thinner and the two in combination can intensify the effects. Tylenol (or acetaminophen) can cause more damage to your liver and ibuprofen can cause stomach bleeding.

If you absolutely feel the need to take one of these, make sure it's a very low dose of an NSAID (e.g., aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen). Avoid acetaminophen altogether.

Hair of the Dog Will Not Help

While the popular phrase “hair of the dog that bit you” may sound logical when a shot of whiskey is still in the bottle on your table, it will only provide temporary relief. Using alcohol to cure the pains created by alcohol is not the best idea because it will only prolong your recovery.

Or ... Just Bury Me?

According to Irish folklore, it was said that the cure for a hangover was to bury the ailing person up to the neck in moist river sand. This is obviously not a recommended hangover cure, but it is a fun bit of trivia that may put a smile on your face this morning. 

And, with that, it's time for you to head to the kitchen for a glass of water then wander back to bed.

Article Sources
The Spruce Eats uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Alcohol and Nutrition. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

  2. Cleveland Clinic. Hangover: symptoms, remedies, cure, prevention. Updated Sept. 24, 2020.

  3. Harvard Health Publishing. 7 steps to cure your hangover. Updated Nov. 16, 2021.

  4. National Library of Medicine. Hangover treatment. Updated April 24, 2021.

  5. Coffee as a Hangover Cure. The University of Texas at Austin

  6. Verster JC, Vermeulen SA, van de Loo AJAE et al. Dietary nutrient intake, alcohol metabolism, and hangover severityJ Clin Med. 2019;8(9):1316. doi:10.3390/jcm8091316

  7. Carbohydrates and Blood Sugar. Harvard University, T.H. Chan School of Public Health